Friday, 13 January 2017

The Wonderfull Effect Of Taking A Nap (Power Nap)

One may be wondering why it is called a power nap, the great value of a good night's sleep is a topic that can not be over emphasized,however others believe that  great men rarely get complete sleep at night. In a bit to recover all they lost at night a little moment of quiet and quick power nap helps to reset the body and conserve energy.                                                                                                                                                                     Lets look into how a power nap can be of utmost importance to the human health, humans belong to a group of monophasic sleepers, which implies that our days are divided into two peculiar periods,one for sleep while the other is for wakefulness.

     These loud benefitsr nap of a powe includes

1. A quick nap can bring us back to speed especially when one is feeling a little dizzy and lose focus.

2.A power nap reduces the risk of heart disease.“Taking a nap could turn out to be an important weapon in   the fight against coronary mortality,” said Dimitrios Trichopoulos of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, who led the study.

 3.A power nap helps to manage your energy: Time management is not the secret behind productivity but energy management.Numerous studies have shown workers becoming increasingly unproductive as the day wears on. Just think of your own experience.

In the world of technology power nap has not been left out, as an equipment called Dream Pad has been developed.

 Dream pad is a power napping tecnology that helps you to fall asleep faster in order to increase your memory,strengthen your cognitive skills,and also provides increased energy to carry on with the days activities